Belay News

In the News

MedLocker by Belay officially launched in June 2024. 

Belay Media

In the News

Media Information

Articles & Podcasts

Necessity is the Mother Of Invention

An interview with Belay's co-founder, Dr. Abby Herzig on how Belay is mitigating the safety gaps in schools and daycares for children with food allergies.

Zestfull 5 with Allergy Mom Abby Herzig

A feature on Belay co-founder and food allergy mom, Dr. Abby Herzig, on what she's loving now.

Profile of an Allergy Parent

In an interview, Belay's co-founder and CEO shares the trajectory of her son's food allergies and how a little anxiety can help food-allergic children stay safe.

Thank you for the sacrifices you make for food allergies

Guest column in the Toronto Star, written by Belay's co-founder, Dr. Abby Herzig on feeling grateful to those who make sacrifices for food-allergic children

Belay Buzz

Here Comes The Sun

‘Tis the season we bear our skin - the long-awaited months when lakes, pools, beaches, boats, camping and long sun-drenched...

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